Nice : I’m Norwegian you can’t pronounce my last name shirt

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See more : Wifisukien 
Jute is one of the economic motives of the country. I’m Norwegian you can’t pronounce my last name shirt. During the Second World War and the late 1940s, Bangladesh jute products accounted for 80% of the world market [30] and even in the early 1970s still accounted for 70% of export revenue. However, polypropylene products began to replace jute products around the world and the industry began to decline. Bangladesh provides substantial quantities of rice, tea and mustard products. Although two-thirds of Bangladesh's population is farmers, more than three-quarters of their exports come from the textile industry [31], the industry began to attract foreign investors in the 1980s thanks to its price. low cost and low conversion cost. In 2002, the industry exported US $ 5 billion worth of products [32]. Currently the industry employs more than 3 million workers, 90% are women [33]. Another part of the foreign currency comes from deposits from Bangladeshi people living abroad.

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