(Amazing) Lady Skull Sunflower shirt

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The Boeing 767-2C is a commercial cargo plane based on the 767-200 with a wing design of the -300 and upgraded cockpit. Lady Skull Sunflower shirt. Under a contract with the United States Air Force in 2011, Boeing assembled four test aircraft - two 767-2Cs and two KC-46s - an aerial refueling aircraft based on the 767-2C. [127] On December 29, 2014, the first 767-2C in the US Air Force KC-46 program took off for the first time. [127] The second 767-2C completed its first flight on April 25, 2016. [128] As of February 2017, the US Air Force has ordered 38 KC-46s out of a total of 179 units planned to be purchased in the future.

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